Sunday, July 19, 2009

I actually went to something on a friday night

Hello everyone
I went to the Sonic Youth concert on friday night which is unusual because I've always been a "homebody". The concert was free (I did have to pay for the metrolink ride there) It was part of the Budweiser Live on The Levee series and played on stage under the Gateway Arch in St. Louis. I'm not a big fan of Sonic Youth although I do know some of their songs and I think their biggest influence/ audience is pot smokers. Anyway, I decided to go and listen to them. I was glad to see several age groups there from the "old" people like myself to youngsters who probably never owned a 45 single (record). T Before the show started a guy approached the microphone and announced that there was a lost child needed to be found but as soon as he announced it she was found by the soundboard. He said to her that "she's just helping them get the sound for the band up to perfection." With the child found the show was going to start at 7:30 the band appeared at 7:45 but they are from the NYC area so being fashionable late is normal for them

. Thurston Moore founder and sometimes lead singer announced that "we are the sonic youth" after that they began playing. They recently released a new Cd an I believe they played alot of their new material from it. The band isn't the type to stop and say for our next song we will play etc they just play from one song into another.

Kim Gordon sang a song and I did see some people leave with a disgusted look on their face guess they were expecting a band like The Fray or maybe David Gray ? Overall, the crowd remained interested in the songs. I was kind of concerned about those standing in front of the stage they just did that stood there. Back in the day (I sound old) that area would have been moshing, crowd surfing or even pogoing I would have liked to at least see pogoing.

During a break Moore asked if it was always this beautiful here (highs in the 80's low humidity) the crowd laughed because it usually isn't this pleasant in the middle of July. He said they(band) were thinking of relocating and wondered if there was any room in the arch for rent.

I wondered to myself about the ages of the members of the band. I know they started around 1980 with Moore and Gordon at least in their twenties and by now approaching or at their fifties. I checked up on their ages on Wikipedia. Thurston Moore is going to turn 51 next saturday and Kim Gordon who I guessed to be fifty is actually fifty six almost sixty years old. She didn't seem to be slowing down with her skills on the guitar or stage persona.

They played a solid show despite it being free and the fans not being hardcore Sonic Youth followers.

The one thing that I didn't like is at the end of their encore set their p.a. system was shut off and a song by Flyleaf started playing and the fireworks show started. I think those that planned this should have given them some extra time to finish and take a bow before blasting lame pop and fireworks.

Until next time.


Here is an added bonus some video I shot on my phone.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

When will the tribute end ?

When will the tribute(s) end to the deceased king of pop. I realize that he was a "icon" in the music industry and still had alot of fans despite releasing only one album in the past ten years or so(more recent work were compilations) .
However, I think there should be a time limit to how long the media can pay tribute too him. In my opinion two weeks is about long enough although the fascination with the King of Rock Elvis Presley passing away has yet to go away and he's been dead for 30 years. The media is worried about how Michael's kids are going to grow up without their father. They should avoid MJ's dad because from what MJ said wasn't a pleasant influence on their father.
Lisa Marie grew up without her father and she doesn't seem all that affected by it unless you count her marrying MJ and Nicholas Cage and releasing a few horrible albums. I'm certain that the children that MJ had will grow up to be semi-well adjusted despite their lineage. One of them might actually have a talent for music or something related to music? The best thing they could do is either get away from the music business altogether or become a producer or a label owner.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

HELLO Its good to be back good to be back.

Hi everyone
I am back on the "nets' and I'm going to get back into blogging about what is going on in music today and even yesterday. Because not remembering the past is a sad thing.