Thursday, November 29, 2007

Musicians who die before their prime (or after).

The news wasn't good for Quiet Riot fans on Monday the lead singer Kevin Dubrow had died of unknown causes. I think it was the rock n roll grim reaper harvesting former rock stars.
People will shake their heads about the brilliance of Dubrow dying while not exactly in his musical prime and he had been known to abuse alcohol and drugs in the past so why is his death suddenly mysterious?
Some brilliant musicians who died before their prime were Nick Drake who made four albums which no one ever paid much attention to in the early 70's. He died on an overdose of prescription anti depressants whether he did it on purpose or accidental is truly unknown.. Another musician was Jeff Buckley who was the son of a musician that died while in his prime (Tim Buckley) but his downfall wasn't drugs as his father it was drowning in the Mississippi River which could have been accidental from drinking too much.
These musicians were not alone in being overlooked the music labels and the public tend to dictate what becomes popular and what isn't.
Brittney Spears, Courtney Love should have burned out awhile ago because they too have trouble with alcohol, drugs, and other problems in their life. Recently, Amy Winehouse who is a fairly good singer but a troubled one has been in the news for her personal life too. For some odd reason people are interested in how many times they have been to rehab, jail, or some other trivial information instead of the music they make.
Then we can shake our heads and cry if a musician dies before his/her prime and not mourn someone who was a has been.

Until next time


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